Secrets of the world's most successful copywriter

No, it's not me.

But over the last 47 years I have been friendly with many of those regarded as the best in a frighteningly competitive field.

Gene Schwartz, Joe Sugarman, Bill Jayme, Gary Halbert, Gary Bencivenga - and of course David Ogilvy: all extraordinarily able.

What would it be worth to know their secrets?

The copywriter who has made most money is not among them, though. Bill Bonner, founder of Agora, really spends his time writing books and articles, running his empire and advising his troops.

But the one who made the most money until he sort-of-retired is Clayton Makepeace.

I believe he made as much as $600,000 from one piece of copy a couple of years ago.

I can't bring him over here to reveal his secrets, but I can give you the next best thing.

I interviewed him three years ago to find out what makes him tick - an interview I came across by accident when going through my files this morning.

Only a handful of people have ever heard this recording.

You can have it if you come to my Bristol copy seminar, in addition to any other offer I have made you.

Listen to it in the car. It will make for a profitable ride.

Just email me one word: Clayton, and I'll make it happen.



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